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Password requirements:

  • 8 or more characters
  • A mix of letters, numbers, and symbols
  • Avoid using common words or personal information
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Save Big on Your Next Ride Share Today with Maple Bus

comfortable rideshare
Reclining seats

Enjoy the luxury of comfortable seats, providing optimal support and relaxation throughout your journey

Enough space

Enjoy ample onboard space for a comfortable and hassle-free travel experience, providing the utmost comfort to all passengers


Stay connected on the go with complimentary WiFi, allowing you to work, browse, or stay in touch with loved ones

First aid and safety

Your safety is our priority. Our buses are equipped with first aid kits and adhere to stringent safety measures to ensure a secure journey.

Purchase Tickets Steps


Utilize our search mechanism to find your desired destination: input your location, select your preferred time, and browse through the available transport options. Don’t forget to specify your luggage requirements for a tailored travel experience.

Select Trip
Select Trip

Choose your preferred time and mode of transport, review the trip specifics as well as the associated costs, and provide your billing details to secure your ticket reservation.

Confirm your Tickets
Confirm your Tickets

Upon completion of the ticket purchase, users will receive a confirmation SMS and an accompanying email. By logging into the system, they can access detailed booking information. Additionally, the platform provides an option for booking the cancellation. 

Why choose Maple Bus for your travel?

Choose Maple Bus for your travel needs and experience our exceptional service tailored to passengers. Enjoy our unique offerings, including comfort, affordability, and personalized attention, ensuring a memorable journey for all.

safe journey
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